Sunday, September 6, 2009

Our Group Blog Presentation..



Our group blog - presentation

This is my speech for my group blog presentaion



Our Group Blog - Presentation

This is my presentation for our group blog ...



Wednesday, September 2, 2009

STOMP it into your system

I first heard about STOMP about back in 2006 when i was writing case studies on the media profile on a few different countries. Singapore was one that really stuck out and has played in my memory since.
There media (mediacorp) is owned by the government (People Action Party - which has been in power since 1959), and hence nothing dishonest is said about them.
So the release of STOMP - an interactive website that people can sms mms almost anything in and it will be published online was something that i wondered why the government would allow.
Then i thought about it.
At closer inspection STOMP does not really delve into any political issues within Singapore rather it just brighten up the website against Straits Times - have a look, the pictures below are a screen grab of each of the front pages of the websites.

Stark differences, no?

Below is just a short video from the website demonstrating the type of material shown on the website..

You can see that its clearly has nothing to do with anything that is relevant to Singapore.

Despite this I love the idea of STOMP, and it can now be seen on most citizen journalist websites such as, which is an Australian citizen journalism website. Here like with STOMP you can send in photo's, video's etc. and it will most likely be put up on the website - if of course it is interesting.

I do like the fact that STOMP has opened up Singapore's media, and believe it has been beneficial to the country.



Sunday, August 30, 2009

Tools for reporting (podcast)..

I am hoping that this works, its a podcast from last weeks reading - week 7. I found out that through 'Blogger' you cant directly upload podcast but rather have to use a third party site and i am using and hoping that this will work...

Listen in.......

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tools that i use..

This weeks reading was titles "New tools for reporting"
The reading goes through new social media tools that can be used in different ways to produce a story for reporting.
I use most of the tools that are explained in the reading, and i just wanted to quickly explain these in a short video blog..



Sunday, August 16, 2009

"Oh my Citizen Journalist"

This is a post for my group blog, it seems that edublogs dont let you upload videos, or i cant figure it out so this is a video that i will have linked on our group blog...
