Sunday, August 30, 2009

Tools for reporting (podcast)..

I am hoping that this works, its a podcast from last weeks reading - week 7. I found out that through 'Blogger' you cant directly upload podcast but rather have to use a third party site and i am using and hoping that this will work...

Listen in.......

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tools that i use..

This weeks reading was titles "New tools for reporting"
The reading goes through new social media tools that can be used in different ways to produce a story for reporting.
I use most of the tools that are explained in the reading, and i just wanted to quickly explain these in a short video blog..



Sunday, August 16, 2009

"Oh my Citizen Journalist"

This is a post for my group blog, it seems that edublogs dont let you upload videos, or i cant figure it out so this is a video that i will have linked on our group blog...


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Code of ethics for bloggers???

I read about the idea of a blogger having to abide by a code of ethics...
This is just a short video in reply to that....



Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Check out my latest vlog, its on week 4 reading by Chris Anderson:

"Free! Why $0.00 if the Future of Business"

I really like Chris Anderson, and think that he poses some fantastic ideas...

You can subscibe to his blog Wired: Tech Biz. -

or his website:



Sunday, August 2, 2009

The average Joe Blow....

This weeks reading titled “User-generated content and the changing news cycle” written by Stephen Quinn and Deirdre Quinn-Allan, gives us an insight into the world of a citizen journalist. A citizen journalist can be anyone, any average Joe Blow, all it takes these days is a mobile phone, which in 2009 i can almost safely say everyone has one. The power of a mobile phone, having the technology of a camera, video camera, audio recorder, and the internet gives anyone to become the next walkley award winner..

There are many cases of how street journo's have shaped and influenced news and information. The best most recent example was the London bombings in 2006, which saw some of the victims using there mobile phone to take photos from inside the disaster area, these photos and video footage were then passed on to news outlets all over the world and the footage was then showed live to the globe.

With technology giving us this opportunity, the role of a journalist is rapidly changing, we saw from last week how convergence has changed the newsroom into a multimedia world. But citizen journalism has meant that its not always the paid news outlets that are breaking stories but rather anyone who can write a blog, record a podcast or even update their twitter account.

So what does this mean for newspapers? Well they become redundant? A thing of the past? In my opinion, yes, there gone. With the new age of social media upon us, the average Joe can get his news from anywhere, whether it be through a twitter feed or an online newspaper such as, its everywhere. Plus how many trees does it cost to produce a daily newspaper? The daily paper is something that has all but gone from our lives.

I will finish by repeating what i said in my last post, gone are the days were a journalist specialised in a particular field (IE print or broadcast), now days a journo must have the ability to reach his/her audience on every different medium.

This is just a part of multimedia and the new world of journalism.
