Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Welcome and Enjoy....


Hi ny name is Robert Cumbrae-Stewart, I am currently a third and final year student at Deakin University in Melbourne , Victoria...

I have a strong interest in the PR industry and hope that maybe next year I can aim to work in the corporate PR section.

Currently i am studying, Multi-Media Journalism, PR Campaigns and Tactics, and Broadcast Journalism. I am also about to undertake an Internship at Mango Communications, which i am highly looking forward to...

I am 21 years old, and am a demon follower, please dont take this away from me, as i feel that in the following years we really can excel as a football club.

Hope all is well, i am hoping that in the future this blog will contain many different aspects of multimedia including some video blogs as well as some podcasts and many different forms of pictorial journalism...

I hope anyone can start to take a following to this blog and look forward to my future posts....



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