Tuesday, July 28, 2009

"Where is the knowledge we have lost in information"

This weeks readings: "Why and How Convergence is Emerging" has stemmed some serious thoughts within my mind, and it was only while reading it that i began to think of Karl Pilkington, a English radio producer, best known for producing and co-presesnting
The Ricky Gervais Show. He has a qoute that has stuck in my mind for some time now, and it says "the less you know the less you have to worry about" which i see as a great qoute to combat T.S. Elliots' qoute from the poem "The Rock" it goes ''Where is the knowledge, we have lost in information".
Whilst Karl Pilikington might be the most dim witted, idiotic person to ever bless the air of English radio this idea that the less you know the less you have to worry about is brilliant, and so true if you think about it, lets take for example the recent bushfires within rural and outback Victoria, now had you not read a newspaper, listened to radio, or watched television it would not be something that you would have worried about, whilst this idea is extremely foul and harsh it is true.

Convergence is something that within my four years of University I have had a lot to do with. COnvergence within a newsroom, i have been forced to learn. Gone are the days when a journalists wrote a story for their paper and thats it, nowdays, a journalists will take out, well instead of just writing it im going to show you a quick video of what a journalist today might take out into the field, as part of their multimedia skills and their new world of journalism.....

Thats it for this week....

Look forward to the following weeks.



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